Gaon Ke Dashahra Lyrics – Pawan Singh | Soumya Pandey (2021)

Lyrics by is the new Bhojpuri song (2021) starring Pawan Singh and . The music is composed by and Gaon Ke Dashahra song lyrics are written by . The video is directed by .

Gaon Ke Dashahra Song Details

Song Title: Gaon Ke Dashahra
Album: Gaon Ke Dashahra
Singers: Pawan Singh
Lyrics: Sumit Singh Chandravanshi
Music: Chhote Baba Basahi
Starring: Pawan Singh, Soumya Pandey
Directed By: Ravi Pandit

Gaon Ke Dashahra Lyrics in english

Sajal Ba Maayi Ke Duaari
Umadal Ba Bheed Badi Bhaari

Sajal Ba Maayi Ke Duaari
Umadal Ba Bheed Badi Bhaari

Par Saal Rah Gayini Bahara Re
Gaanv Ke Na Dekhani Dashahra Re

Ab Ke Na Jaeeb Bangaal Mein
Bas Hoi Maayi Ke Pujanava
Aara Ke Pandaal Mein

Uhe Baazi Pavan Ke Bhajanava
Chhapara Ke Pandaal Mein

Mandir Mein Jaeeb Diya Jalaeeb
Nau Din Kuchho Na Khaeeb

Darshan Paeeb Sirava Jhukaeeb
Charan Pe Chunari Chadhaeeb

Chuluha Lagaeeb Nimiya Daal Mein
As Hoi Maayi Ke Pujanava Aara Ke Pandaal Mein
Uhe Baazi Pavan Ke Bhajanava
Baliya Ke Pandaal Mein

Katano Kama La Tu Bahara
Baaki Gaanv Mein Bita Va Dashahra

Katano Kama La Tu Bahara
Baaki Gaunve Bitaava Dashahra

Deepak Raani Sumit Aaj Aavataare Ho
Amit Kutul Mandap Sajavataare Ho

Jaihen Chhote Basahin Har Haal Mein
As Hoi Maayi Ke Pujanava
Aara Ke Pandaal Mein

Uhe Baazi Pavan Ke Bhajanava
Bhaave Ke Pandaal Mein

Written By – Sumit Singh Chandravanshi

Gaon Ke Dashahra Lyrics In Hindi

सजल बा माई के दुआरी
उमड़ल बा भीड़ बड़ी भारी

सजल बा माई के दुआरी
उमड़ल बा भीड़ बड़ी भारी

पर साल रह गइनी बहरा रे
गाँव के न देखनी दशहरा रे

अब के न जाइब बंगाल में
बस होइ माई के पुजनवा
आरा के पंडाल में

उहे बाज़ी पवन के भजनवा
छपरा के पंडाल में

मंदिर में जाईब दिया जलाईब
नौ दिन कुछो न खाईब

दर्शन पाईब सिरवा झुकाईब
चरण पे चुनरी चढ़ाईब

चुलुहा लगाईब निमिया डाल में
अस होइ माई के पुजनवा आरा के पंडाल में
उहे बाज़ी पवन के भजनवा
बलिया के पंडाल में

कतनो कमा ला तू बहरा
बाकी गाँव में बिता वा दशहरा

कतनो कमा ला तू बहरा
बाकी गौंवे बितावा दशहरा

दीपक रानी सुमित आज आवातारे हो
अमित कुतुल मंडप सजावातारे हो

जइहें छोटे बसहिं हर हाल में
अस होइ माई के पुजनवा
आरा के पंडाल में

उहे बाज़ी पवन के भजनवा
भावे के पंडाल में

We hope you understand the song Gaon Ke Dashahra Lyrics in Hindi. If you have any issues regarding the lyrics of Gaon Ke Dashahra song, please let us know. Thank you.


Gaon Ke Dashahra Lyrics FAQS & Trivia

Question Who is the singer of the ‘Gaon Ke Dashahra’ Bhojpuri song?
Answer Pawan Singh sings the song.
Question Who has written the Gaon ka Dashahra lyrics?
Answer The Bhojpuri lyrics are written by Sumit Singh Chandravanshi.
Question Who composed the music of the song?
Answer The music is composed by Chhote Babe Basahi.
Question Who is starring in the music video?
Answer The music video of the song is starring Pawan Singh & Soumya Pandey
Question Who directed the music video?
Answer The music video is directed by Ravi Pandit.
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